Natural Remedies

Home Remedies For Hernia

Home Remedies For Hernia




Home Remedies For Hernia:

Everyone suffers from hernias at one point or another due to the pressures of daily life. So what can you do about it? Actually, there are a number of simple home remedies for hernia that you can perform with just a few tools and a little bit of knowledge.

Causes Of Hernia

A hernia is a bulge in the wall of the abdomen. It is caused by the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an opening in the muscle wall of the abdomen. The most common types of hernias are inguinal, femoral, and umbilical. There are many possible causes for these defects to occur:

-Age: The elderly are more likely to suffer from a hernia because their tissues weaken with age.

-Pregnancy: During pregnancy, women’s abdominal muscles stretch and weaken, which may lead to hernias later in life.

-Physical activity: People who engage in frequent physical activity are more likely to develop hernias because they strain their abdominal muscles more than others do.

-Obesity: Being overweight puts more pressure on muscles and makes them weaker over time, making it easier for them to tear or rupture when put under stress by heavy objects like lifting weights or carrying groceries inside bags that are too heavy for them!

Symptoms Of Hernia

Hernias are often very painful and can cause a lot of discomfort. They occur when part of your intestine becomes pushed through the muscle wall of your abdomen. If you have a hernia, you may have one or more of the following symptoms:

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Light-colored, fatty tissue protruding from your skin (a lump or bulge)

A feeling that something is coming out or falling out of your body

A dull ache in your lower abdomen (tummy)

A sharp pain in your abdomen

A burning sensation when urinating or passing gas

If you notice any of these symptoms, consult with a physician immediately!

Home Remedies For Hernia

Home remedies for hernia can help reduce swelling, pain and discomfort associated with this condition. They also help reduce inflammation and swelling caused by hernia.



Here are some home remedies for hernia:

1. Male Pawpaw Roots

Home Remedies For Hernia

2. Ginger

Home Remedies For Hernia

3. Alligator Perpper

Home Remedies For Hernia

PROCEDURE: Get male pawpaw roots, Ginger and A bunch of alligator Perpper. Boil for 30 Minutes and Allow to cool.

DOSAGE: Drink Full Glass 3 times daily for 2 weeks


1. Castor Oil Packs

Home Remedies For Hernia
Castor oil packs are used to treat a variety of conditions. They work by increasing blood flow to an area, which helps promote healing. The castor oil pack stimulates the lymphatic system to cleanse toxins from the body and can be used for treating skin conditions like acne or eczema as well as other internal ailments such as constipation or diarrhea. To make a castor oil pack, you will need cotton flannel cloths and castor oil (available at most pharmacies). Place the flannel cloths over each side of your abdomen before bedtime (it’s best if there’s no clothing between the skin and flannel). Cover them with plastic wrap to keep them warm while they work their magic!

2. Lemon Juice:

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Home Remedies For Hernia
It helps to reduce pain and inflammation caused by hernia. Take a lemon wedge and squeeze out its juice into a cup of water. Add a teaspoon of honey to it and drink this mixture 2-3 times daily for effective results.

3. Basil Leaves:

Home Remedies For Hernia
Basil leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce pain caused by hernia. You can make a paste by mixing 1 tsp basil leaves powder with 1 tbsp water or milk and apply this paste on the affected area for getting relief from pain after several minutes.

4. Turmeric

Home Remedies For Hernia
This spice has antioxidant properties that help to reduce inflammation caused by hernia effectively without any side effects or harmful chemicals present in it which may damage your health in long run if taken regularly.

5. Chamomile Tea

Home Remedies For Hernia

Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and discomfort caused by hernias. Drink one cup of chamomile tea three times daily until you get relief from your symptoms.

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6. Ginger

Home Remedies For Hernia

Ginger is one of the best home remedies for hernia because it has anti-inflammatory properties which help ease pain and inflammation. You can simply grate ginger into a cup, add honey and water and drink it twice a day for about two weeks.

7. Garlic

Home Remedies For Hernia
Garlic is another excellent home remedy for hernia because it contains allicin which helps reduce swelling and pain. All you need to do is crush two cloves of garlic with salt and apply them directly on your skin over the affected area. You should leave it on overnight before washing off in the morning with warm water or soap and water if your skin is sensitive to garlic’s strong smell or taste.

8. Drink apple cider vinegar and honey:

Home Remedies For Hernia

Apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling and pain caused by hernias. It also contains acetic acid, which helps kill bacteria and prevent infections from developing. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water and drink this every day until your symptoms subsides.


In this post, shared the symptoms of a hernia, causes of hernia, hernia home remedies, and home remedies for hernia.

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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