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Natural Home Remedies For Big Penis

Natural Home Remedies For Big Penis




Home Remedies For Big Penis:

Small penis size is a condition in which the pen!s is smaller than the average size. It can be due to heredity and diseases, or it may be caused by a traumatic event.

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A small pen!s can be a source of embarrassment and anxiety for many men. This has led to the development of a number of procedures designed to enlarge the pen!s.

However, there are some causes of small pen!s that you should consider before taking a drastic step to enlarge your manhood.

Home Remedies For Big Penis

Causes of small penis

The following are some of the causes of small penis:

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Genetics – Some people inherit small penises from their parents. This is usually due to the mother’s diet while pregnant with them.

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Hereditary conditions – Some conditions such as Kallmann syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome can cause a person to be born with a smaller than normal penis.

Trauma – Applying too much pressure to your genitals during masturbation or sex can cause trauma that leads to scarring and shrinkage of your penis.

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Injury – An injury due to an accident could result in swelling and inflammation that might lead to temporary shrinkage of your organ until it heals completely

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Infections: STI’s can cause manhood shrinkage. According ding to studies infections like gonorrhea, Syphilis etc not only cause infertility in men but can also cause shrinkage of the manhood.

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Symptoms of small penis

According to research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, “fewer than 5 percent of men who believed themselves to have a small penis were actually clinically diagnosed as having micropenis.” The average erect length for an adult male is about 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) long.



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Here are some symptoms of small penis

The following are the most common symptoms associated with small penis syndrome:

Anxiety about the size or appearance of your genitals (known as penile dysmorphophobia)

Fear that others will think your penis is too small

Shame or embarrassment when talking about sex

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Home Remedies For Big Penis

For this remedy you need;

1. Paullinia root (tuantin)
Home Remedies For Big Penis

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2. Marijuana (herbs together with the seeds)

Home Remedies For Big Penis

3. Blue seal Vaseline

Home Remedies For Big Penis


Get dried Paullinia root ( tuantini), peel or scrap the back, pound into powder

Get dried marijuana or Indian hemp of the same quantity as the Paullinia roots and pound or blend into powder.

mix equal quantity of the two powders in equal amount of Blue Seal Vaseline and allow to seat for 3 days before usage.


Massage your manhood twice daily with it. You will get fast results if you use this remedy after taking  a warm water bath.


In this post, Apomdin.com shared the symptoms of small penis, causes of small penis, small penis home remedies, and home remedies for big penis.

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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