Natural Remedies

Kidney Infections Home Remedy

Kidney Infections Home Remedy




Kidney Infections Home Remedy

Kidney infections are serious, and you should seek medical care immediately if you have fever, chills, and other signs of infection.

A kidney infection is an inflammation of the kidney that can lead to serious complications. Kidney infections may happen when bacteria enter the bloodstream (septicemia) or the urinary tract (pyelonephritis).

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Kidney infections are common but can be severe. Each year, about 1 in 20 Americans receives hospital treatment for a kidney infection.

Causes of kidney infections

The most common cause of kidney infections is a urinary tract infection (UTI). Many other conditions can lead to kidney infections, including:

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• Stomach or intestine problems. A condition called diverticulitis or a blockage in the intestine can cause blood and protein to leak into the urine.

Kidney Infections Home Remedy

• Kidney stones. If they are small enough, kidney stones can pass through the urinary tract without being detected. But when they become large enough to block the flow of urine, they can cause a UTI.

• Severe diarrhea. Diarrhea that causes you to lose more than 1 quart of fluid every day for more than 2 days can lead to increased urine output and a UTI in some people.

• Chronic liver disease. People with cirrhosis have an increased risk for developing UTIs because their livers aren’t able to filter out certain substances from the blood, which may allow bacteria from the intestine to enter into the bloodstream and cause an infection.

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Symptoms of kidney infections

The symptoms of kidney infections include:

Fever and chills.

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Upper abdominal pain that is worse when you put pressure on your abdomen. Pains can be felt in the back and sides.



Painful urination, which may lead to blood in the urine.

Pain in your back or side, often in the lower back or side near the ribs. It’s not unusual for some people to feel pain along the outer edge of one or both sides of their abdomen that can radiate into the back and down into the leg(s).

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Kidney Infections Home Remedy


1. Garden egg leaves
2. Garlic


Grind / blend 5 leaves of garden egg and one clove of garlic with a cup of water.


Drink all and repeat the process 2 times daily for 30 days


In this post, shared the symptoms of Kidney infections, causes of Kidney infections, Kidney infections home remedies, and home remedies for Kidney infections.

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These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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