Natural Remedies

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Clear Stretch Marks In 12 Days




Home Remedies For Stretch marks:

Are you looking for home remedies for stretch marks, look no further because got you covered.

Stretch marks are a result of the skin being stretched out by a sudden, fast motion. This movement can occur due to several reasons like sudden weight gain, pregnancy or any disease that causes an expansion in the body. Stretch marks are generally related with the stretching of skin, occurring near the joints of the body.

In a moment I will share with you simple but effective home remedies for stretch marks. But before that, let us take a deep look into the causes of stretch marks.

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Causes Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common skin problem that many people will experience at some point in their lives. They can occur due to sudden weight gain, pregnancy and hormonal changes.

Stretch marks are also known as striae and they are thin lines or streaks which appear on the skin. The skin has a certain amount of elasticity but if it stretches too far, the skin cannot retain its structure and breaks down causing stretch marks.

The main cause of stretch marks is rapid weight gain or loss, but they can also be caused by:

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Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Growth spurts during puberty

Rapid muscle growth (e.g., bodybuilders

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Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Symptoms Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks may look like fine lines or bands that vary in color. They can appear anywhere on the body, but most often appear on the abdomen and breasts.



It’s important to note that stretch marks are not a sign of poor nutrition or bad health. They’re also not caused by excessive weight gain or pregnancy alone. Stretch marks can affect people with any skin type, gender and ethnicity.

The only way to prevent stretch marks is to avoid rapid weight changes and sudden growth spurts.

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Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

For this remedy you need the following:


1. Garlic

2. Olive Oil

3. Onion

1. Garlic

Garlic for Stretch marks

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Garlic is a popular home remedy for stretch marks. It is said to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and also help improve the overall health of your skin.

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If you want to try garlic for your stretch marks, here are some ways to do it:

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I. Use garlic oil on your stretch marks.

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Garlic oil can be made at home using crushed garlic cloves and coconut oil or olive oil. Put the crushed garlic in a jar then add coconut oil or olive oil until it covers the garlic completely. Let the mixture sit overnight, then strain out the garlic bits and store in a clean jar with an airtight lid. Apply this mixture daily on your stretch marks until they fade away

II. Eat two cloves of raw fresh garlic every day. This will help make sure your body gets enough nutrients from foods so that it can make new collagen for healthy skin.

III. Drinking garlic juice has been proven to be effective in reducing stretch marks caused by pregnancy or weight gain by stimulating collagen production in the body. You can drink one glass of fresh garlic juice every day if you want to reduce stretch marks naturally without any side effects!

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IV. Another way to get rid of stretch marks is by rubbing them regularly with fresh garlic juice

2. Garlic and Olive Oil

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

To get rid of stretch marks, mix one clove of garlic with two tablespoons of olive oil and massage it on your body once every day before taking a bath or shower. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning with warm water, but don’t use soap as it will dry up the skin. You can also leave the oil on overnight before taking a bath or shower, but make sure that you don’t fall asleep while the oil is still on your body because it might stain your sheets!

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3. Garlic and Honey.

Treat Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

The good news is that garlic and honey can help you get rid of your stretch marks. The bad news is that it won’t happen overnight.

The method requires patience, but the results are well worth it. It’s a simple process that only takes a few minutes each day.

Here’s how it works:


1. Crush two cloves of garlic and mix them with two tablespoons of honey.

2. Spread the mixture on your stretch marks and leave it on for about 20 minutes.

3. Rinse off with warm water or soap and repeat this process twice a day until you see results (which should take about three weeks).

Garlic contains sulfur, which helps to strengthen the skin and reduce inflammation caused by stretch marks over time.


In this post, shared causes of stretch marks, symptoms of stretch mark, home remedies for stretch marks, and how to clear stretch marks in 12 days.

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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