Natural Remedies

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs – Best 5

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs




Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs: There are so many reasons why your dog may have an upset stomach. They can contract parasites from eating from trash cans or the grass and soil. They may eat something they shouldn’t have while you’re out walking them or exercising. There are reasons why a dog may have an upset stomach, but don’t worry because I’m going to give you some simple but effective home remedies for upset stomach for dogs

Causes of upset stomach in dogs

Firstly, let’s take a look at causes of upset stomach in dogs

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Upset stomach in dogs can be caused by a number of things. It is important to note that sometimes upsets stomachs are not medical problems, but instead part of your dog’s natural digestive process. If you cannot identify the source of your dog’s upset stomach and it continues for more than 24 hours, or if your dog exhibits other symptoms such as fever or lethargy, you should visit a veterinarian.

Possible causes of upset stomach in dogs include:

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-Infection: Your dog may have contracted a virus or bacteria which is affecting his gastrointestinal tract.

-Ingestion: Your dog may have eaten something that has caused an upset stomach. This can be food-related (for example some dogs cannot tolerate dairy products) or due to another substance in the environment which your dog has ingested by accident (for example pesticides or rat poison).

-Allergies: An allergy to a specific food ingredient can cause an upset stomach in dogs if they are fed that food on a regular basis.

-Anxiety: Your dog’s digestive tract may respond negatively to any kind of stress, including separation from his owner and introduction to new environments.

Symptoms of upset stomach in dogs

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Dogs have a tendency to eat things they shouldn’t, and this can result in an upset stomach. A dog may also get an upset stomach due to food poisoning or a reaction to medication or supplements. If your dog is showing signs of an upset stomach, it’s important that you take them to the vet as soon as possible, as some symptoms can be indicative of more serious problems. You should always take your dog to the vet if they have been vomiting for more than 24 hours or if they show any signs of weakness.

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Signs and symptoms of an upset stomach in dogs

-Loss of appetite






-Excessive salivation

-Loss of appetite

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs

1. Pumpkin Puree:

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs

This is a great way to get your dog’s digestive system back on track. Pumpkin puree has fiber, which will help digest any food that is stuck in their system.

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Pumpkin puree is best when used fresh, but you can buy canned pumpkin at most grocery stores or online.

2. Greek Yogurt:

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs

If you’re looking for something that will help soothe an upset stomach, Greek yogurt is a great option!

3. Bananas:

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs

If you’re looking for something that will help soothe an upset stomach, bananas are a great option! They’re high in potassium and fiber, and they provide some much-needed potassium to your pet’s body. Just be sure not to feed them too much of this sweet treat because it could cause diarrhea if consumed in large quantities over time (as with any food).

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4. Feed your dog small amounts of chicken and rice.

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs

Chicken and rice are bland foods that are easy on the stomach and can help regulate digestion.

5. Give your dog plenty of water to stay hydrated when his stomach is upset.

Home remedy for upset stomach for dogs


If you have a dog with an upset stomach, you can also try this home remedy. This can be used for minor stomach issues, but if your dog is extremely lethargic or is showing signs of dehydration, consult your veterinarian immediately.

What you need:

-1 teaspoon of plain yogurt

-1 teaspoon of canned pumpkin

-1 tablespoon of honey

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Mix these ingredients together and spoon the mixture into your dog’s mouth. Repeat every few hours until their upset stomach has resolved.

Schedule an appointment with your vet if the problem doesn’t seem to be getting better, or if your dog starts showing other signs of illness (vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy).


In this post, shared causes of upset stomach in dogs, symptoms  of upset stomach in dogs,home remedies for upset stomach in dogs, and home remedy for upset stomach for dogs

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.


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