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Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy




Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy:

When you’re pregnant, you get sick easily. This is why it’s not surprising when you feel a cold coming on and you don’t have much energy to do anything about it. Because of that, here are some home remedies for common cold during pregnancy to help you feel better.

Home remedies for cold during pregnancy

Symptoms of cold during pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a stressful time for a mother, so it’s no surprise that you may feel worried about getting sick. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and treat cold symptoms during pregnancy.

If you’re pregnant, you may be wondering if it’s safe to take over-the-counter medications for cold symptoms. The answer depends on the medication you’re taking and how far along you are in your pregnancy. For example, acetaminophen is generally safe to take during pregnancy, but decongestants aren’t as well-researched.

Common cold symptoms include:

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Sore throat

Body aches

Runny nose

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Causes of cold during pregnancy

Cold during pregnancy is very common, and there is no need to worry too much. During pregnancy, the immune system becomes weaker, which makes a woman more susceptible to colds and other infections.

Also, hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, which also increases the risk of infection.

A cold during pregnancy can occur for the same reasons as usual:

-The baby takes all the nutrients from mother, who becomes more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria



-Viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets when a woman comes into contact with an infected person

-The body is weakened due to stress or hypothermia. For example, if you stay in a room with a draft or open windows for a long time

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, you know how it feels to be bunged up. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of safe, natural remedies for colds during pregnancy.

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1. Water

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

The most important thing you can do is stay hydrated, which will keep your mucus membranes moist. Drinking water can also help with headaches associated with a cold.

2. Ginger Tea

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

Ginger tea helps with nausea and also reduces inflammation from cold symptoms. While your belly might be getting in the way of swallowing large amounts of liquid, this is probably one of the best things for you when you’re feeling under the weather. You can add lemon or honey to it as well if you want to really boost those healing properties.

3. Chicken Soup

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

Luckily, chicken soup isn’t just an old wives’ tale—it’s actually good for a cold! The steam helps clear your sinuses, and the sodium and protein in the broth is easier on your stomach than other foods.

4. Garlic

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

Garlic has been used as a remedy for centuries because it contains anti-inflammatory properties and is high in vitamin C. You can eat it raw or use it in recipes to help you build up some immunity against your cold, especially if you start eating garlic before symptoms arise.

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5. Steam

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

A hot shower is a great way to loosen congestion and make breathing easier. You can also inhale steam from a pot of boiling water (with herbs like lavender or eucalyptus if you want).

6. Use a humidifier.

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

A humidifier helps keep the air moist, which eases stuffy noses and sore throats. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to help open up your airways.

7. Gargle.

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

Gargle with warm salt water or baking soda water. This helps to reduce pain in your throat.

8. Take saline nasal sprays or drops.

Home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

They can relieve congestion and also moisturize dry nasal passages.


In this post, shared symptoms of cold during pregnancy, causes of cold during pregnancy, and home remedies for a cold during pregnancy

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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