Natural Remedies

Home Remedies For White Teeth

Home Remedies For White Teeth




Home Remedies For White Teeth:

Teeth whitening (also known as tooth bleaching) is a popular procedure for professional teeth cleaning. In the past, teeth whitening was used by people with stained teeth due to tobacco use, drinking coffee, tea or red wine. However, now more people make use of modern technology and take advantage of the methods that will help improve the appearance of their smile.
Let’s take a look at simple but effective ways to whiten your teeth at home. Before that:

Causes Of Tooth Decay

We hear all the time that we need to take care of our teeth. However, the causes of stained teeth are not often discussed — most will just assume they’re getting older and it’s normal to have yellowing teeth as they age. This is not true. There are many factors that affect tooth discoloration including medications, genetics, foods and drinks, products and more. Knowing the causes of stained teeth can lead to a better oral hygiene routine that minimizes tooth discoloration.

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Symptoms Of Tooth Decay

When you suffer from tooth decay, the pulp located beneath your gums becomes irreparably damaged. As bacteria within your mouth spread, the infection will progress throughout your entire tooth. This process can take years to complete, while you still may not be experiencing any pain. If a tooth’s nerve has been damaged beyond repair, the exposed area must be removed. This is an incredibly invasive procedure and should only be headed if the damage isn’t too severe or if there are indications that it is causing further complications.

Home Remedies For White Teeth

Are you looking for a natural way to whiten your teeth? Try these home remedies to whiten your teeth naturally.

1. Baking soda

Home Remedies For White Teeth

Baking soda is a great abrasive that can help remove stains from your teeth. Just mix some baking soda with water, dip your toothbrush in, and brush as usual. You can also make a paste by mixing baking soda with hydrogen peroxide (3 parts baking soda, 1 part hydrogen peroxide). This mixture can be applied directly to your teeth and left on for 5 minutes before rinsing it off.

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2. Hydrogen Peroxide

Home Remedies For White Teeth

Hydrogen peroxide is a great tool for whitening your teeth. It’s safe for all ages, but you should always consult with your dentist before attempting any type of home remedy. Hydrogen peroxide can be found at any drug store and many grocery stores. You may even have some left over from when you cleaned out the drain!

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To use hydrogen peroxide on your teeth, dip a cotton swab into some hydrogen peroxide and gently rub it onto your teeth with a circular motion. Leave it on for at least five minutes before rinsing off with water.

Do not swallow while using this method because it contains bleach which can cause irritation if swallowed.

Make sure to protect yourself by wearing rubber gloves when using this method.

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You may also want to avoid using this method if you have sensitive gums since they may become irritated by the bleaching process.



3. Orange peels
Home Remedies For White Teeth

Orange peels are filled with vitamin C which makes them an excellent natural whitening agent for your teeth! Grate one orange peel into a bowl and then add some warm water and let the mixture sit overnight before using it in the morning as a mouth rinse by swishing it around in your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting

4. Salt water rinse

Home Remedies For White Teeth

Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt into 8 ounces warm water and swish the mixture around in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out. You can also use a homemade mouthwash (see below) instead of plain salt water if you prefer.


In this post, shared the symptoms tooth decay, causes of tooth decay, tooth decay home remedies, home remedies for white teeth.

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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