Natural Remedies

Malaria Home Remedies

Malaria Home Remedies


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Malaria Home Remedies:

Malaria, a mosquito-borne infectious disease of humans, is caused by Plasmodium parasites. Several drugs are used to treat malaria and prevent this disease but still it has remained a serious health problem in many countries. Many home remedies are also commonly used for the treatment of malaria infection. These remedies can be used either along with the antimalarial therapy or as an alternative form of treatment.
I am going to share with you simple but effective home remedies for malaria in this article. Let’s take a look at what causes malaria, and how to knowing you have malaria.

Causes Of Malaria

Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. This parasite lives in the blood of humans and animals. It’s carried by female Anopheles mosquitoes that bite people. When the mosquito bites, it injects some of the parasites into your bloodstream.

Malaria parasites are carried in the saliva of an infected Anopheles mosquito. When a mosquito bites you, it injects some of these parasites into your bloodstream.

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The malaria parasite spends part of its life cycle in the liver cells of human beings and other animals, such as birds and monkeys. The parasite then reproduces within these liver cells to form new forms called merozoites. Merozoites eventually burst out of these liver cells and enter red blood cells where they reproduce again. After this phase, they return to the liver cells where they grow larger, burst out again and infect more red blood cells until there are so many that they overwhelm their host’s immune system and kill them.

Symptoms Of Malaria

The symptoms of malaria are fever, chills, sweating, headache, and muscle pains. These symptoms can be mild or severe depending on the type of malaria and how many parasites are in the bloodstream.

Malaria Home Remedies

Malaria causes fever, headache, and flu-like illness that can lead to death. The disease is most commonly found in warm climates and areas with large amounts of rain.

There are several home remedies that can be used to treat malaria. These include:

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1. Neem Tree Roots

Malaria Home Remedies

Get a quantity of the roots of neem tree. Use knife to scrub to remove the dirt, wash well and cut into pieces. Soak in equal quantity of water for about 2 hours and take on glass 3 times daily for 7 days.

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2. Garlic juice

Malaria Home Remedies
Garlic juice taken in small quantities has been known to cure malaria effectively. For this remedy, extract garlic juice by grinding a clove of garlic and soaking it in some water overnight. The next day, strain the liquid through a cloth and drink it in small quantities throughout the day.

3. Clove oil

Malaria Home Remedies
Clove oil has been used since ancient times to treat many illnesses including malaria. Clove oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce fever and other symptoms associated with malaria like chills and body aches. You can add a few drops of clove oil in boiling water and inhale it for relief from fever and body aches caused due to malaria infection.

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4. Aloe Vera

Malaria Home Remedies
Aloe Vera on a white background

Aloe vera gel contains various compounds that have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It also stimulates the immune system by increasing interferon production and by stimulating lymphocyte proliferation. These actions help combat infection caused by malaria parasites, including Plasmodium falciparum parasites which cause severe disease in humans. One study found that aloe vera gel taken orally twice daily reduced fever associated with

5. Tea Tree Oil

Malaria Home Remedies
Tea tree oil is an antiseptic that has been shown to kill off some strains of malaria-causing parasites in vitro (in test tubes). The recommended dosage of tea tree oil varies depending on the concentration of oil used but generally ranges between 3 – 5 drops per day taken internally or externally applied topically (i.e., as a suppository or added to a bath).


In this post, shared the symptoms of malaria, causes of malaria, home remedies for malaria, and malaria home remedies

These remedies are all-natural and easy to follow, so why not give them a try? Please share this post and other posts with your friends and family, and let us know how these remedies worked for you in the comments below.

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